1. Primer on the Autonomic Nervous System
2. Handbook Epilepsy Treatment 3e
Shorvon, Simon (Author)
3. Grand Mal: A Life with Late Onset Epilepsy Dodge, Robert V (Author)
4. Q&A about epilepsy and convulsions: A simple guide for public for everything they need to know about epilepsy, convulsions and first aidEl Alem, Emad Aldeen (Author)
5. The Epilepsy Book: A Companion for Patients: Optimizing Diagnosis and TreatmentValeta, Thalia (Author)
6. Epilepsy, 199 Answers: A Doctor Responds to His Patients Questions
Wilner MD Facp Faan, Andrew N (Author)
7. Brainstorm: Detective Stories from the World of Neurology
O’Sullivan, Suzanne (Author)
8. Navigating Life with Epilesy
Spencer, MD David C (Author)
9. ABC da Dieta Cetogênica para Epilepsia Refratária
Letícia Pereira de Brito Sampaio (coordenadora)
10. Holding on to Hope: Finding the ‘New You’ after a Traumatic Brain Injury
Yeates, Nicole (Author)
Fonte: Livros da Bel
✅Viva com Epilepsia
Eduardo Caminada Júnior (Autor)
Apoie Epilepsia 💜 Purple Day™ Brasil